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Thursday, May 12, 2011

magic kingdom disney world

magic kingdom disney world. the Luxury Disney World
  • the Luxury Disney World

  • reflex
    Sep 14, 08:21 AM
    My take on this: Apple releases new MBP's next week and Aperture 2 at the special event. Kind of like they did with the iMac vs the movie downloads.

    Btw, the 24th is a Sunday ... has Apple ever released anything on a Sunday? Or held an event?

    magic kingdom disney world. Disney World, or maybe New
  • Disney World, or maybe New

  • Cheerwino
    Apr 25, 01:06 PM
    Think Beige! :apple:

    magic kingdom disney world. Disney World Magic Kingdom
  • Disney World Magic Kingdom

  • blokey
    Mar 30, 12:45 PM
    Agree with Microsoft.

    I suppose Apple could go the route that "App" is not short for "Application" but instead is short for "Apple".

    magic kingdom disney world. The entrance to the Magic
  • The entrance to the Magic

  • 840quadra
    Oct 12, 01:13 PM

    I wonder if I have room in my iPod collection for such a device :D .

    If this is true, I would be happy to see this come to life, not because of the color, but because of the charity aspect.

    magic kingdom disney world. Disney News Feed
  • Disney News Feed

  • briloronmacrumo
    Mar 22, 11:52 PM
    GeekBench 2 benchmarks http://www.primatelabs.ca/blog/2011/02/macbookpro-benchmarks-early-2011/ of the new MBPs with Sandy Bridge would indicate otherwise. This review said: "....the fastest MacBook Pro is 80% faster than the fastest previous-generation MacBook Pro.". My guess is a similar situation might be true for the iMac and it will be faster ( otherwise, there's little point to a rev )

    PatrickCocoa assesses the current iMac as being more than fast enough ( i.e. "won't be any slower"--or words to that effect ). Clearly, the current iMac exceeds the computing needs of most Mac users.

    magic kingdom disney world. Magic Kingdom (Walt Disney
  • Magic Kingdom (Walt Disney

  • Westside guy
    Mar 29, 11:15 AM
    You don't have to be a fanboi to laugh at this one. WP7 may be a completely reworked experience - but it doesn't matter at this point. No one wants a Windows phone anymore.

    I predict by 2015 the industry pundits will be asking when Microsoft is going to pull the plug on their Windows Phone unit.

    magic kingdom disney world. Walt Disney World#39;s Magic
  • Walt Disney World#39;s Magic

  • MacFan782040
    Sep 5, 02:58 PM
    iTunes Movie Store should be rental only.

    If you really love a movie, go out and buy it. This way, you have the physical copy to carry around with you where ever you want to watch it (living room, friend's house, car, ect)

    I think the notion that Apple is trying to get is like this senerio:
    Somebody who is bored on a Friday night with nothing better to do, who does not feel like driving out to the local video rental store. Howabout being able to download it on your computer for $4.99 for a 5 day rental.

    I would probably pay that. Apple figures if you want decent quality, hook your Mac Mini up to your HDTV and play it off there. If not, just watch it on your Mac.

    If you copy it to an iPod, the movie will expire in 5 days as well. Or, it will expire next time you connect your iPod to iTunes. (people HAVE to do that!)

    We'll probably see Front Row 2.0 as well.

    Just some thoughts....

    magic kingdom disney world. Magic Kingdom® Park | Walt
  • Magic Kingdom® Park | Walt

  • TangoCharlie
    Jul 14, 09:45 AM
    wait, now conroe is "widely expected" in the powermacs? I thought woodcrest was... I still think it will be:

    mac pro - woodcrest
    xserve - woodcrest
    imac - conroe
    macbook pro - merom
    macbook - merom (but months later)
    mini - merom (but months later)

    We shall know soon! :)

    Right except iMac.... it'll go to Merom which is a drop-in replacement for Yonah (Core Duo)

    Although I agree that eventually Mac mini and MacBook will be Merom, I think it may be many months later..... I think the mini with the Core Solo might get upgraded to Core Duo tho' ... so that Apple can boast to be the _only_ major manufacturer to use dual-core across the whole product range!

    Note that if I'm right (trust me!), then there's a gap.... no Apple box with a Conroe? I don't think so.... Apple will introduce a new system with support for a single Conroe. Hopefully it won't be the MacPro with a different mobo, but a completely new box (fingers crossed).

    Oh.... the recently released educational iMac won't get Merom at first either... it'll get left behind so as to make the proper iMacs better value and worth splashing out for! :)

    magic kingdom disney world. Disney World Magic Kingdom
  • Disney World Magic Kingdom

  • noahtk
    May 3, 03:48 PM
    This update is weak!

    magic kingdom disney world. magic kingdom disney world
  • magic kingdom disney world

  • rdowns
    Apr 25, 10:09 AM
    He's definitely lying about some stuff


    In less than 3 years, your mom went to law school, passed the bar exam, and became the top attorney in the biggest law firm in your state? Impressive.



    So which is it? M5, Prius or big SUV?

    Of course, this isn't the first time he's shown hate for the cops:

    I just love it when people get what's coming to them. :)

    magic kingdom disney world. Back to Magic Kingdom
  • Back to Magic Kingdom

  • Consultant
    Jan 5, 03:11 PM
    Made a correction to the headline. It should be:
    McAfee faces obsolescence with increasing Apple popularity.


    magic kingdom disney world. Walt Disney World Resort,
  • Walt Disney World Resort,

  • epitaphic
    Sep 9, 01:25 PM
    Handbrake FPS readings vary a lot between the analysis pass and the writing pass - much slower writing on the second pass than studying-planning the writing scheme on the first pass on both the Quad and the Mac Pro.
    That's because the second pass only uses one core.

    magic kingdom disney world. magic kingdom disney world.
  • magic kingdom disney world.

  • cvaldes
    Mar 22, 02:13 PM
    I'm hoping we don't see Apple adopting the HD Intel Graphics, cuz they are going to suck as far as gaming goes..
    The current iMacs use discrete ATI Radeon GPUs.

    Since the newly released MacBook Pros also include ATI Radeons, it is likely that Apple would continue this trend with the next batch of iMacs.

    You needn't worry.

    magic kingdom disney world. at Disney World#39;s Magic
  • at Disney World#39;s Magic

  • PaulSorensen
    Mar 29, 01:59 PM
    no one uses windows phones....and for a good reason too...it sucks, it sucks, oh and it sucks....

    That's three good reasons

    magic kingdom disney world. Walt Disney World has seen its
  • Walt Disney World has seen its

  • !� V �!
    Apr 25, 03:50 PM
    In the market for a 17" to replace my 2007 version. Not interested in getting rid of the optical drive as I still use it to watch DVDs on it (have Netflix and the streaming content is far from being complete). The current one seems to have everything that I'm looking for. I'd like a SSD but they are just too much $$$ now.

    DiY SSD, works great and love the performance gains. Ditch the Optical Drive already its 2011. :apple: remember the Floppy ditch with the original Bondi Blue iMac, make it happen with the 2011 iMac and SuperDrive. :D

    magic kingdom disney world. Disney World guidebooks,
  • Disney World guidebooks,

  • 4God
    Aug 28, 02:41 PM
    Unfortunately, cats are known liars.

    DOH!!!! 55999

    magic kingdom disney world. Disney World Magic Kingdom
  • Disney World Magic Kingdom

  • 1984
    Aug 23, 09:08 PM
    Don't 90% or more of the MP3 players on the market also infringe this patent (including the forthcoming Zune). By making this payout Apple have given Creative the means to fight other companies (such as Microsoft, Sandisk, etc) which could tie them up for years and possibly even delay the launch of Zune. Meanwhile, Apple have their nice license agreement and can continue unabated...

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

    magic kingdom disney world. Disney World Magic Kingdom
  • Disney World Magic Kingdom

  • MacFly123
    Mar 29, 03:07 PM
    2015... This just in, HELL FROZE OVER! LOL!!! :p

    magic kingdom disney world. magic kingdom with floriday
  • magic kingdom with floriday

  • munkery
    Apr 17, 03:34 PM
    Sorry, I didn't see your edit:

    Perfect, thanks GGJStudios.

    I did some research on this while waiting for a reply but I only have systems running SL so I couldn't verify the info.

    I notice that the items in those folder only have system with write privilege but I believe the folders themselves also have admin with write privileges. This is not the case in Snow Leopard so SL seems to be a little more hardened by default. This only provides an incremental benefit in terms of security.

    Many of those security sensitive folders in /Library just serve the same function as ~/Library but affect all users. Important items included in those folders by default, require system level privileges to modify so password authentication would be required to hijack those items. I also believe that items have to only be writeable by system if going to interact with system level processes due to unix DAC; I haven't confirmed this yet. Makes sense?

    Sep 2, 04:49 PM
    oppps my bad.

    OK then early in the morning so will be evening in Paris. Frenchs anyway like it better in the evening. :p

    So I have read a lot of these posts, but not all, sorry if this has been dicussed.

    Is it weird to have a special event in SF on the day the Paris Expo starts?

    Do you think this is pointing towards an iPod/iTunes announcement (movie rentals or whatever)?

    If there is no keynote in Paris and a special event on the 12th that has something to do with iPod/Tunes, does this give further evidence that C2C will be in on the 5th?

    Oct 27, 01:36 PM
    Somthing else that people don't readily think about is the fact that when paper is recycled, there are more chemicals put back into the environment in order to break it down to pulp than would be used to turn new pulp wood into paper.

    Well yeah... Afterall, it's a lot quicker to mass-produce paper dissolving chemicals than it is to grow new trees. :)

    It's like electric or hydrogen powered cars... Sure, the cars are "green" but that electricity comes from somewhere. Oh, that's right... we still have to burn oil, coal and natural gas for that. And hydrogen? OK, that's a better solution, voltaics (solar and such) can generate that, even in the convenience of your own home with a decent catalyst and some water. But we're just not quite there yet...

    Personally, I like atomic energy, but it's received such bad press over the years...

    Apr 28, 04:35 PM
    That can be viewed another way. Apple is too cheap to bother risking anything that is not a sure bet.

    MS willing to risk R&D and a lot of R&D on things that might be a dead end.
    MS R&D is more like a university Research compared to Apple R&D that is only about profit.
    Guess which one adds more better for the people. Correct answer is not Apple

    MS developed a lot of bad things zune, surface, kin, they probably cancel dual screen tablet. This things was semi baken. Simple economy rule say more poeple are lees prodactive per person than small groups.

    Apr 4, 12:33 PM
    Over (40) rounds were EXCHANGED between the robbers and the security guard. Deadly force by self-defense is authorized. I don't care what the situation, I'd rather face a jury of (12) than (12) pall bearers...I'm just sayin' :eek:

    Mar 23, 05:47 PM
    Do a poll macrumors.... Us 6 want them pulled Now!!... the others not quoted want them to stay on the App Store for no real good or beneficial reason

    I haven't decided either way.. but I also want a poll! Polls are fun.