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Friday, May 13, 2011

mothers day quotes and sayings

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  • wizard
    Sep 9, 12:03 PM
    I'm a little skeptical about Napa64 as well. I did read the previous links and articles on it. Why make Merom backwards compatible with Yonah?

    What is to be skeptical about? Seriously Intel continuously improves its hardware, they have to or end up getting trounced on by the competition. In fact recent history with respect to AMD demonstrates what happens when they don't take a serious look at their hardware.

    The issue with Merom and this iterations backward computability is that it gets INTEL 64 bit hardware to market fast as frankly they weren't even competing in that realm. For Intel 64 bit is serious issue as they are behind the eight ball or this one. It is an example of Intel being asleep at the wheel as they focused on who needs 64 bit instructions when a good part of the market demand was for addressable ram.

    Nice information there. I wanted a little heads up on Kentsfield. Still, isn't it dual Conroe's with separate cache and then over the front side bus?

    Frankly I haven't followed Kentsfield that much, more of an AMD man, but what is interesting to me with respect to this thread, is that MEROM the platform has a long way to go yet. That is the iMac just released is more or less a first generation implementation of Merom. I'm left with the impression that Apple just slapped the new processor in the old socket and gave us all a surprise this week. But that is what backward computability is all about. Mind you I know nothing about the current logic boards but I'm sure that information will float across the web soon.


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  • jafd
    Apr 25, 03:02 PM
    Those having glossy screens sure will need an automated screen wiper to go with their new laptops. They've got no touch screens and we take care to not touch them, but eventually the screens get dusted and/or fingerprinted all over.

    Look at this iPad. Isn't it disgusting?


    Sure it's not how it looks in ads. It's a real thing in real use.

    I also expect a screen wiper in iPad 3, by the way. Screw the liquid metal and gimme the ol' good wiper, please. Or make it matte/Pixel Qi, for heaven's sake.

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  • EagerDragon
    Sep 10, 09:29 AM
    This is the chip to use in a (stop gap) gamer machine, but it needs to be fully 64 bit for 4+ gig of RAM, 4 slots of non-buffered ram, support SLI, be user upgradable, multiple video cards inside, 2 disk drives (stripping mode), lots of USB and Firewire ports in a new enclosure.

    Just my opinion.

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  • After G
    Sep 14, 02:17 AM
    I think that the phone interface won't have a click-wheel. Rather, it will be all screen with an on-screen wheel changing to an on-screen keypad. No slider action whatsoever. Maybe a hard switch for on/off, answer, and phonebook, but that's about all I'd put on the phone. It'll save on cost and hardware complexity too, not having to include a wheel.

    Interface? Regular phone ... may be a smartphone if they figure out how to do the keyboard. Input is always questionable on small devices because there isn't room. Bluetooth perhaps? That's more $ down the drain for a keyboard :(

    I hope I have the funds to buy one when one of these suckers comes out. Both GSM and CDMA would be better, but if there's only one, it should be GSM. It's easier for people to switch their phones that way, instead of having the cellphone stores cluttered up.

    Good thing my sister's RAZR is dying ... maybe I'll tell her to get someone else's phone (on the cheap) when these drop (if she doesn't have enough for an Apple phone).

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  • ickies
    Sep 19, 03:15 PM
    jeez, thats about 10x what i would have expected.

    a lot of people I have talked to thought that it was "crazy" to expect people to wait 30+mins to download a movie.

    couldn't apple develop something into itunes that lets you watch while it is downloading? is this possible?

    I'm also really surprised by these numbers but that's a really good idea you mentioned!

    If it takes a few minutes to buffer before the movie starts, why not have the option of watching lower-res movie trailers while you wait? If the studios are willing to pay for the advertising, it could even subsidize the purchase a little bit and maybe Apple could knock a buck off the price.

    mothers day quotes and sayings. mothers day quotes and sayings
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  • abrooks
    Sep 26, 08:46 AM
    Did you even read the link?

    Speculation is that O2 will have the exclusive rights to the iPhone in Europe. You can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think O2 is somehow connected to Orange. So it looks like the iPhone will have a carrier in Europe and the UK.

    Corrected because your wrong, no connection between Orange and O2.

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  • dockingbay94
    Apr 11, 05:22 PM
    Great news for those of us using a mac mini as a HTPC.

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  • Vegasman
    Apr 19, 08:58 AM
    I agree. Sometimes I think this kind of lawsuits are a stretch and a bit silly, but not this time. When there's confusion even to me as a geek after a quick glance on these smarthpones, I have to agree that it's gone too far.

    For me all phone look relatively the same at a glace so I always look at the buttons first.

    1 button - Apple
    4 buttons - Android
    3 button - Windows Phone

    Then I look for a logo to differentiate further.

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  • Morod
    Mar 23, 05:15 PM
    The police should not be able to detain you without probable cause. PERIOD. If you are doing nothing wrong the cops should not stop you, EVER.
    This. Otherwise we live in the old USSR, where you are guilty until proven innocent.

    mothers day quotes and sayings. mothers day quotes and sayings
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  • Ingot
    Apr 20, 01:17 PM
    This is great for my alcoholic blackouts. Fire up the program and find out where I've been. Although on my last trip to San Diego it put me across the border and into a Tijuana cat house.

    SEE? A positive use for this. Keep it up Pollyana! I love it!

    mothers day quotes and sayings. mothers day quotes and sayings. Mothers Day Quotes Sayings; Mothers Day Quotes Sayings. thadgarrison. Sep 19, 03:33 PM
  • mothers day quotes and sayings. Mothers Day Quotes Sayings; Mothers Day Quotes Sayings. thadgarrison. Sep 19, 03:33 PM

  • Multimedia
    Sep 12, 04:46 PM
    The way I understood, it was capable of playin that resolution in mp4, but not when using AVC/H.264...Right. Mac res for H.264 WAS 320x240 way too small - only the iPod screen res. So H.264 was unpopular because of this limit. Now if the res limit works on teh existing base of 5G 1st gen Video iPods this is HUGE and changes the game completely. See above I am testing this theory now and will report on the result in about a half hour.

    mothers day quotes and sayings. of Mother#39;s Day Quotes
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  • azentropy
    Apr 19, 08:11 AM
    Did anyone expect Samsung to say, "Yep, you got us."?

    mothers day quotes and sayings. mothers day quotes and sayings. Mother#39;s Day Quotes amp; Sayings; Mother#39;s Day Quotes amp; Sayings. Mar 25, 2009 7:22 AM. Kedest. Apr 25, 02:34 PM
  • mothers day quotes and sayings. Mother#39;s Day Quotes amp; Sayings; Mother#39;s Day Quotes amp; Sayings. Mar 25, 2009 7:22 AM. Kedest. Apr 25, 02:34 PM

  • Number 41
    Mar 23, 05:20 PM
    Don't get me wrong, MAD is a very great organization, but kids aren't supposed to drink at all.

    Don't be kind -- MADD is a prohibitionist organization that has moved so far away from it's original mission that even the founder no longer has anything to do with it. They've turned into a bunch of loonies who are constantly pushing to stay relevant by crusading against the legal right to drink in this country.

    They've brought the per se intoxication level down to .08, and they're continuing for it to be lower.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 20, 08:09 AM
    I'm still finding it hard not to believe this is a parody.

    You can live a long time without heat, electricity, oil.

    You can live for about 2 weeks without food.

    You can live 3 days without water. ;)

    A "North American Union" is a strategic planning balloon, or worse, and hardly a joke to Canadians.

    mothers day quotes and sayings. Mothers Day Quotes, Happy
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  • justflie
    Sep 12, 03:22 PM
    Doh, hit the submit early, sorry for the double post

    mothers day quotes and sayings. mothers day quotes. mothers
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  • milo
    Sep 5, 01:05 PM
    A current LCD or Plasma television with DVI or HDMI inputs can make an excellent computer monitor.

    I'm sure they do. But I'm totally fine with the TV I have, I'm not the tiniest bit interested in upgrading, especially considering what the new stuff costs.

    And I'd still have a keyboard and mouse in my living room, and I'd have to pull up a chair or strain my eyes from my sofa on the other side of the room. I've tried it, and I don't really like it, at least not for any uses other than just watching TV.

    attempts to unify the TV and the computer have been done for the last 15 years or so without success. I give Apple a less then 10% success. Even if they succeed, the definition of success here is greatly compromise to a point of failure.

    Sounds like the predictions of mp3 player success for apple. They already have a precedent for entering a marketplace that isn't going anywhere and pretty much single handedly getting it to take off.

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  • mothers day quotes and sayings. Related video results for mothers day quotes or sayings; Related video results for mothers day quotes or sayings. whatever

  • Lesser Evets
    Mar 22, 01:17 PM
    Pity they didn't slim down the iMac by choppin' the chin (assuming this rumor is true). Can't wait to see what they release. The old "smaller iMac" rumor priced for the "mass market" kept me interested in the next iMac update--hope to see something trimmed for the "mass market".

    Figured iMacs would update in April.

    mothers day quotes and sayings. mothers day quotes and sayings
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  • janstett
    Apr 11, 11:15 AM
    This is great news, I've been waiting for something like that for ages.

    For all those people that fail to see how it could be useful, consider the following scenarios:

    I got my Mac connected to some great speakers.
    Now, a friend comes by for a visit, brings along his laptop and we want to hear some music from his iTunes --> messy cables, my friend standing with his laptop by the amplifier because that cable is short (�)
    Another friend comes over. We want to listen to music from his/her iPod/iPhone/iPad --> messy cables.
    My beloved speakers are self-amplified and connected directly to my mac or say, an external sound card --> even more complicated!
    Same friends, different room - let's say a living room with a HTPC --> More cables.

    All this could be accomplished with a few airport express units across the house which is somehow a luxury option money-wise and somehow redundant since I already have a wireless router and at least one computer up and running. Also, it would probably create more of a mess with the aforementioned setup (I would need a multiple input amplifier for my living room or an extra mixer for self-amplified speakers). Don't get me wrong, I think AX is a great device and I'll probably get one someday, but it sounds absurd that one device cannot stream audio to a computer.

    And for those suggesting third-party software, this sounds great if I were the only using them. I cannot imagine telling my friends "hey, buy this $40 software so we can stream music to each other's computer". I'm not sure I could even convince them to install free software to mess with their audio setup. iOS users are ruled out of course.

    For those suggesting iTunes home sharing: this is for personal use. I don't want to share my id/pass with anyone, and no one wants to share it with me.

    I have an example, too.

    I do have Airport Expresses and ATV2s around my house and often use it to play music throughout the house, especially during holidays and parties.

    Problem is in my den, I have several computers and a good 5.1 surround system, but no Airport Express. It sure would be nice to pipe sound into there too.

    mothers day quotes and sayings. happy Mother#39;s Day
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  • shigzeo
    Apr 19, 08:29 AM
    Samsung is starting to be less and less innovative, they really are setting down at the drawing board , scratching their heads trying to come up with a design and then....." bing!!! their iphone mail alert just popped off and there is their next cell design!!

    So, when have Samsung been innovative? Is buying other company's tech innovative? Or expanding beyond their bread and butter grocery market innovative? I guess I'll wait till I hear from you on that one. Samsung are less innovative than any large company I've ever come across, only garnering wins by buying out other companies and stifling competition in their home country.

    I don't like this IP move by Apple, but I'd pray for anything to stick Samsung in the pink-as-kiss arse it has from doing absolutely nothing other than cramming the world with branch after branch of its expansionist policy.

    Apr 25, 05:18 PM
    Did I misread something?

    It said a "case re-design", not a refresh of CPU, GPU, HDD, etc....

    Why is everyone talking about a major technology refresh on a brand new MBP? My guess is that they opened up sweat shops in some third world country to file down the edges.... :-)


    Apr 4, 12:47 PM
    I know. And heroics by gun toting civilians is mostly a product of fantasy as well. The idea of whipping your gun out to save the day is absurd.

    It's only fantasy because not enough law-abiding civilians are toting guns.

    Virginia Tech, Trolley Square, Columbine, Ft. Hood, the list goes on and on - someone trained, armed, and on location in any of those tragedies could have been a godsend.

    The fact an off-duty policeman was onsite at Trolley Square certainly saved many lives, but an armed, trained civilian could have done the same.

    Sep 13, 09:18 PM
    I said I'd bet, not give. As in you pay equal money if this turns out to be right. And it's a figure of speech. :rolleyes:

    Well, I for one wish apple would come out with this thing already. I would pay my savings just to end the anguish (figure of speech, hat tip QCassidy352)! Bury the Chocolate! I hate seeing that iPod wanna-be!

    Sep 9, 10:53 AM
    He is talking about reliability data from at least the last 10 years, Aiden...data you must have no clue about, of course...after all, Macs just started doing Windows, right? :rolleyes:

    Am I the only one who's starting to find this petty crusade of yours annoying? Seriously, just drop it. The iMac is a great machine. I loved my G5 and I might well buy another iMac when I upgrade from the Mini I have now. A Mac Pro would be nice too, but we'll see. Anyways, the iMac is not the "most powerful desktop" in the world and no one gives a damn: it's an awesome machine regardless. So please, honestly, just drop it. What you said was false and still is. It's ok. Everyone makes mistakes. But drop it. It's starting to annoy me very seriously and I'd be surprised if I was the only one.

    And I don't see what your personal attacks on some fine folks here are adding to the discussion. Along with opinions, AidenShaw - among others - brings a lot of technical expertise and hard facts to the table. I, for one, value that greatly, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Indeed, the reason MacRumors is so awesome is that a fair share of the posters bring more than opinions to the forums: they also bring hard facts and educated guesses. I think that people can discuss respectfully, that people can argue respectfully, and that people can disagree respectfully. Most folks here do, and I'm sure you can do it too if you try even just a little. Thanks.

    Apr 14, 02:03 PM
    amen. As well as official support for opencl.

    A lot of us are thinking along the same lines for the next air update :cool:. So when will ivy bridge be released?
