quotes about children

Nowadays most men lead lives of noisy desperation. ~James Thurber, Further Fables for Our Time, 1956
Life is about using the whole box of crayons. ~RuPaul
On every stem, on every leaf,... and at the root of everything that grew, was a professional specialist in the shape of grub, caterpillar, aphis, or other expert, whose business it was to devour that particular part. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes
Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it. ~William Feather
An unattempted woman cannot boast of her chastity. ~Michel de Montaigne
I don't believe one grows older. I think that what happens early on in life is that at a certain age one stands still and stagnates. ~T.S. Eliot
If there is no struggle, there is no progress. ~Frederick Douglass
Her hearing was keener than his, and she heard silences he was unaware of. ~D.M. Thomas
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
To dope the racer is as criminal, as sacrilegious, as trying to imitate God; it is stealing from God the privilege of the spark. ~Roland Barthes
Can you find another market like this? Where, with your one rose, you can buy hundreds of rose gardens? ~Rumi
Retirement: World's longest coffee break. ~Author Unknown
All bicycles weigh fifty pounds. A thirty-pound bicycle needs a twenty-pound lock. A forty-pound bicycle needs a ten-pound lock. A fifty-pound bicycle doesn't need a lock. ~Author Unknown
We want far better reasons for having children than not knowing how to prevent them. ~Dora Winifred Black Russell
By speaking, by thinking, we undertake to clarify things, and that forces us to exacerbate them, dislocate them, schematize them. Every concept is in itself an exaggeration. ~Jose Ortega y Gasset
How come we choose from just two people to run for president and 50 for Miss America? ~Author Unknown
You know what's wrong with you, Miss Whoever-You-Are? You're chicken, you've got no guts. You're afraid to stick out your chin and say, "Okay, life's a fact, people do fall in love, people do belong to each other, because that's the only chance anybody's got for real happiness." You call yourself a free spirit, a wild thing, and you're terrified somebody's going to stick you in a cage. Well, baby, you're already in that cage. You built it yourself. And it's not bounded in the west by Tulip, Texas, or in the east by Somaliland. It's wherever you go. Because no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself. ~From the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's, 1961, screenplay by George Axelrod, based on the novella by Truman Capote, spoken by the character Paul Varjak You know when I was depressed I said I didn't want to live? Well, I'll tell you something - I didn't want to die. ~Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, The Sopranos, "Isabella," original airdate 28 March 1999, spoken by the character Tony Soprano
Benjamin Franklin: "And that means that as a nation, we could go to war with whomever we wished, but at the same time act like we didn't want to. If we allow the people to protest what the government does, then the country will be forever blameless."
A university is a college with a stadium seating over 40,000. ~Leonard L. Levinson
The theologian may indulge the pleasing task of describing Religion as she descended from Heaven, arrayed in her native purity. A more melancholy duty is imposed on the historian. He must discover the inevitable mixture of error and corruption which she contracted in a long residence upon earth, among a weak and degenerate race of beings. ~Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire