drinking quotes funny
Retire from work, but not from life. ~M.K. Soni
After your first day of cycling, one dream is inevitable. A memory of motion lingers in the muscles of your legs, and round and round they seem to go. You ride through Dreamland on wonderful dream bicycles that change and grow. ~H.G. Wells, The Wheels of Chance
Life is short but there is always time for courtesy. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson, Social Aims
Don't park in the spaces marked, "Reserved for Umpires." ~John McSherry
Why don't you slip out of those wet clothes and into a dry Martini? ~Robert Benchley
No child but must remember laying his head in the grass, staring into the infinitesimal forest and seeing it grow populous with fairy armies. ~Robert Louis Stevenson, Essays in The Art of Writing
Surely a man needs a closed place wherein he may strike root and, like the seed, become. But also he needs the great Milky Way above him and the vast sea spaces, though neither stars nor ocean serve his daily needs. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Wisdom of the Sands, translated from French by Stuart Gilbert
To disagree, one doesn't have to be disagreeable. ~Barry M. Goldwater and Jack Casserly, Goldwater
Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Actually, the only time I ever took out a one-iron was to kill a tarantula. And it took a seven to do that. ~Jim Murray
Contextomy: quoting out of context. This is a type of false attribution in which a passage is removed from its surrounding matter in such a way as to distort its intended meaning. The issue is not the removal of a quote from its original context (as all quotes are) per se but the quoter's decision to exclude from the excerpt certain nearby phrases or sentences that serve to clarify the intention. Editor's note: I have not intentionally quoted out of context on this site; however, due to the use of visitor submissions, some of the quotes might be used out of context. If you come across this type of error, please let me know and I'll correct the problem as soon as I can. Thank you!
So long as we can lose any happiness, we possess some. ~Booth Tarkington
The breakfast of champions is not cereal, it's the opposition. ~Nick Seitz
If you've never stared off in the distance, then your life is a shame. ~Adam Duritz, "Mrs. Potter's Lullaby," performed by Counting Crows
Prayer may not change things for you, but it for sure changes you for things. ~Samuel M. Shoemaker
You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind. ~Author Unknown
If one wants to get a boat ride, one must be near the river. ~Anchee Min, Becoming Madame Mao
Cooperation is the thorough conviction that nobody can get there unless everybody gets there. ~Virginia Burden, The Process of Intuition
The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well. ~Pierre de Coubertin
Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson