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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

sad love quotes xanga

sad love quotes xanga

sad love quotes xanga sad love quotes xanga sad love quotes xanga

sad love quotes xanga sad love quotes xanga sad love quotes xanga

Our job is not to make up anybody's mind, but to open minds and to make the agony of the decision-making so intense you can escape only by thinking. ~Author Unknown

Great art picks up where nature ends. ~Marc Chagall

No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it. ~H.E. Luccock

Hope deceives more men than cunning does. ~Vauvenargues, Reflections and Maxims, 1746

Instead of being a time of unusual behavior, Christmas is perhaps the only time in the year when people can obey their natural impulses and express their true sentiments without feeling self-conscious and, perhaps, foolish. Christmas, in short, is about the only chance a man has to be himself. ~Francis C. Farley

In its early stages, insomnia is almost an oasis in which those who have to think or suffer darkly take refuge. ~Colette

Faith... must be enforced by reason.... When faith becomes blind it dies. ~Mahatma Gandhi

You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. ~Michael Jordan

The best advice is this: Don't take advice and don't give advice. ~Author Unknown

A book is to me like a hat or coat - a very uncomfortable thing until the newness has been worn off. ~Charles B. Fairbanks

I hate a woman who offers herself because she ought to do so, and, cold and dry, thinks of her sewing when she's making love. ~Ovid

Reality is a palette that humans paint on to let themselves sleep better at night. ~Author Unknown

We've arranged a civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces. ~Carl Sagan

The winds and waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators. ~Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Christmas is not a time or a season but a state of mind. To cherish peace and good will, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. ~Calvin Coolidge, 1927

I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in. ~John Muir, 1913, in L.M. Wolfe, ed., John Muir, John of the Mountains: The Unpublished Journals of John Muir, 1938

"That old berk," muttered Aberforth, taking another swig of mead. "Thought the sun shone out of my brother's every orifice, he did." ~J.K. Rowling, "The Missing Mirror," Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, 2007

It destroys one's nerves to be amiable every day to the same human being. ~Benjamin Disraeli

If the thunder is not loud, the peasant forgets to cross himself. ~Russian Proverb

An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day. ~Henry David Thoreau An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day. ~Henry David Thoreau